Monday, August 9, 2010

Lessons learned in Kenya

Tonight is my last night in the Maasai Mara. As I sit in the car and type this post they are slaughtering a sheep for me. I guess I should be honored that they are having this celebration for me but I am not so sure I like having a sheep slaughtered next to my tent…. especially since that means the hyenas will be stopping by tonight. I am looking forward to the celebration but I hope that I don’t have to drink the milk and blood mixture that they drink. Peter, the chief, has been teasing me about trying it for the past two weeks. I don’t think I will be able to get myself to do it…but as I mentioned in my other posts I don’t want to offend the cook so I might have to try it so I don’t offend the Maasai.

As I get ready to leave I want to pass on a few lessons I have learned while in Kenya so that if you ever travel to Kenya you will be prepared.

1. Always, always, carry a stick when walking in case you meet a wild animal.

2. Never insult the cook. It is rude to refuse food so you eat way more than you want.

3. Traffic lights and stop signs are optional if they even exist.

4. Cell phones and Internet work in the bush even though you don’t have electricity.

5. If you are supposed to be somewhere at noon and you show up at 6 pm you are still on time.

6. Kenyans love speed bumps.

7. As long as your car fits and doesn’t get stuck, it is a road.

8. Even if it is impossible, a Kenyan will always tell you it is “No problem”.


  1. Ann, I hope to hear many more stories upon your return, but I pray for a safe flight home tomorrow! Many blessings! Love, Beth

  2. Ann,

    Thanks for the updates... safe travels as you travel! :)
